Extend your creativity and making
beyond the lab
Open to all Maker Pass Holders, the Invention Lab offers a suite of 3D printers that are available for checkout free of charge. Each printer can be borrowed for a 4-day period. Training required.
Make on the go! Share your work and designs using #CITRISgofab
Program Policies
- You must be a current Maker Pass holder and have completed the GoFab 3D Printer course successfully
- The GoFab is a functional 3D printer and requires that you operate it safely
- You will need to agree to read safety and liability agreement at checkout
- The GoFab can be checked out for a four day (96 hour) period
- Each printer can be checked out with at most one spool of material
- You must return all items: 3D Printer, power cords, part removal tool, and bed leveler Allen wrench
- Any damage to GoFab printer must be reported immediately
- You must use only approved material that is provided at checkout (1.75mm PLA) with the Gofab printer. Do not load any of your own material into the GoFab printer.
- A late fee of $50/day will be charged for each 24 hour period. If the due date falls on a day the lab is closed, the GoFab must be returned before noon on the first day the lab reopens.
- GoFab can be renewed once if there are no pending reservations. You can only place a renewal request 24 hours before the GoFab is due. After two renewals, the GoFab must be returned.
- GoFab Printers can be reserved at most one week in advance

Fab Facts
Each GoFab Printer is named after an inspirational and creative innovator. You can learn about the namesake of your printer by reading their short bio on the back of each printer. For example,
Klüver – Billy Klüver was a UC Berkeley PhD student and later electrical engineer at Bell Telephone Laboratories who co-founded Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), a group that promoted collaborations between artists and engineers. Klüver lectured extensively on art and technology and social issues.
Lamarr – Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian and American film actress and inventor of spread spectrum and frequency hopping technology now incorporated into modern Wi-Fi, CDMA, and Bluetooth devices.
Savio – Mario Savio was a UC Berkeley student, activist, and a key member in the Berkeley Free Speech Movement. “Freedom of speech is something that represents the very dignity of what a human being is.” This printer was named in special honor of Chancellor Christ’s call for Free Speech Year at UC Berkeley.