As previously communicated the CITRIS Invention Lab will follow campus policy concerning safety around the COVID-19 response. In light of today’s guidance from campus leadership  the Invention Lab will operate with limited access and updated polices as detailed below:

The lab will operate and be open only under staff hours. As of now, this will be weekdays only M-F 8 am – 5 pm. The lab will be staffed by Chris Myers, Kuan-Ju Wu, and Dan Chapman. Please check the lab calendar for the most accurate information as these hours may be further restricted based on staff updates.  

Superusers are not to post hours or come to the lab to open it for any reason for other students or individuals outside of these operational hours.

No more in lab training sessions will be provided for any equipment.

With reduced hours and staff we may also (at the discretion of the staff) need to reduce access and overall lab capacity. To help us avoid the need to limit capacity we are asking in advance that you follow these guidelines:

 1) Please only use the lab for time-critical academic work (i.e. no personal projects or non-time critical work, etc)

 2) Plan ahead to limit your time in the lab. For example, please be in the lab to use equipment, tools, and supplies. Do not use the lab for team meetings, gatherings, or other non-critical work. Again for example, please come to the lab, laser-cut your work, solder your project, and then please relocated elsewhere outside the lab to complete your debugging and final design. We realize the lab offers an amazing and supportive culture but we need to limit that experience for now in the interest of safety.  

 3) For team-based work, arrange for a single member of your team to use the lab rather than gathering as a team to complete the work. Find another location for teamwork to allow others to more efficiently and safely us the lab.

 4) Invention Lab staff will support the lab in terms of maintaining lab access policy and lab safety. The will not be available for general high-contact consulting and design advice. This is to reduce their overall exposure level. 

For now, Superusers will continue to have access to the lab for their personal use outside of these operating hours but may not provide any access to others. We ask that all Superusers abide by this rule out of lab policy and safety. Opening the lab outside of the posted hours (M-F 8-5 pm) will result in loss of Superuser privileges.

We will continue to provide access to SnapFab as a resource as best we can accommodate. We encourage students to take advance of this remote 3D printing service.

We ask that everyone work with us to help us all maintain a safe level of lab operation for all while provided the access many students need to finalize projects and coursework.  

These policies will be in effect until Spring Break when users should expect an updated policy to be announced. We will, of course, update these policies should there be new campus directives or Invention Lab staffing concerns.  

Thank you all for cooperating and working with our updated policies.

Eric Paulos
Director, CITRIS Invention Lab



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